Saturday, April 08, 2006

The Loss of One of My Kids

I attended the visitation of the deceased student. It was hard. There were so many people there. I waited outside the funeral home in a long line for about 40 minutes before getting in the building. Once inside I saw many of my former colleagues and students. We mourned together at the loss of this young man. We hugged and cried and talked. I was able to extend my condolences to his parents, not only from me, but also on behalf of a teacher who has left the area. As hard as it was I felt I had to go.

I took the day of the funeral off. I knew I would not be in any shape to attend to my classes let alone teach that day. So many of his classmates attend the funeral. The church was packed and many people stood outside for the entire service. About 2/3 of the class that I had taught was there. They wanted to be together afterwards and so it was agreed we would meet at my house after the grave side service. I thought only one or two would really come, but almost all did.

This was a special group of students, the class that I taught when 9/11 happened. We held hands and prayed together. We talked, hugged, shared stories and memories. We in our own way celebrated this young man's life. He had such a wonderful sense of humor, how he would have enjoyed it, if only he had been there.

Getting to see so many of my former students helped me. I hope it helped them as well. They will graduate in a few weeks and be off with the rest of their lives. Prom is coming up, I hope they all make good choices and that we don't go through this again. I wish them all well. I am grateful they humored me and spent some time with me, and let me spend time with them.

I'll say it again. They are the best group of kids I have ever worked with. They still are.

1 comment:

M said...

that's so sad. It sounds like you have such a special relationship with your students.