Sunday, April 23, 2006

Making Peace

After stewing over the entire fight thing and NOT wanting to see JJ for a while I decided to make peace. After all I am the adult, or at least I like to think that I am. Last week we were involved in federally mandated state testing, so the schedule was bizarre to say the least.

Thursday I had a great lesson planned one of my favorite short stories. I had also rearranged all the desks and was putting everyone in alphabetical order. JJ proceeded to make comments about how put upon he was. He would be the last student seated blah, blah, blah. Seats were assigned, he didn't like his and make noise about it.

I asked him to step into the hallway so that I could speak to him. He was still talking trash (a new move for him) he thought I didn't treat him fairly. I told him he was right. I hadn't counted him tardy many times, I should have. I did not write him up for disciplinary action when he was not in his seat or distracting others. I reminded him of everything I could remember doing for him that was above and beyond the call. I told him that would stop and I would treat him like everyone else.

I was mad and there was no question about it. He had two options to return to the class and behave or to see the counselor and transfer. I then returned to class, left him in the hallway and taught my lesson. The rest of us had fun. It's a story I read every year and every year they love it! About 10 minutes before class ended JJ walked back in, sat down and was quiet.

I asked JJ to stay after class, we shook hands and hugged. I was glad to see the real JJ return. He had some attitude on Friday, but basically the student I have enjoyed all year has returned and the alien that was masquerading in his body is gone, I hope.

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