Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Elvis has Left the Building

That's right. The kids are gone, G-O-N-E! They are outta here! The classroom has been packed up ready for the janitors to do their "deep" cleaning, probably two days before we return. My grades are turned in, I've checked out and have already attended a workshop to help me prepare for the fall. Who said teacher's get a summer vacation?

I've started my summer reading, and have finished 3 books! I can sleep as late as I want and stay up until I really feel tired. No alarm to rudely rouse me from my slumber. I can take a nap at 2 o'clock.

The best class I have ever worked with has graduated. I've gotten teary eyed as I have seen them and wished them well. I've gone broke buying them gift cards to a book store for graduation. Only rarely have I sent graduation gifts to students. I've gotten writer's cramp from writing notes in graduation cards. As I wrote to each of them "I feel so blessed to have been your teacher". I meant it. So as I complain, know that I do it with a smile on my face, and a tear in my eye.

As for the students I had this year, I watched most of them mature and learn. Some of them were a trial and some a joy. It was a challenging year (aren't they all?). Hurricanes came into our lives and we showed what we were made of. Some of those students I will have again next year, as I teach multiple grades. I do enjoy being able to work students for more than one year. So kids have a great summer!

As for the parents, too many have forgotten what their kids are like and need to be reminded. Let me remind the parents, I don't want your job. Please be a parent to your child. Your children need you to be the parent. Kids need parents and friends. But their friends can never be their parent. Don't give up the unique role you play in their lives!

I tell kids I am not their friend, I am their teacher. That is the role I want. I will never lie to them and will always tell them the truth, that is something their friends don't do. I can be their friend when they have graduated from high school.

Back to that class that graduated this year. The last year I taught them they tried so hard to get around that rule of mine. But when they gathered at my house after the funeral of their friend, I gave them permission to call me by my first name, and they would not! They said it wasn't respectful. I was surprised, but not surprised. One of my good friends was once my teacher and it took years for me to call her by her first name.

Teaching is the career I chose. I decided I wanted to teach at a young age, and while it took me a while to get here, I enjoyed the journey and treasure the experiences I had before I had a classroom. Sometimes I think teaching chooses us. Perhaps someday we'll find out it's in our DNA. I am truly blessed and humbled to be a teacher.


Kim said...

Hurrah! Great post on the joy and agony of the school year ending.

Mike in Texas said...

I'm also done. Unfortunately, I will spend about 3 and a half weeks in various classes and training days this summer.

Plus, the wife seems to be coming up with an endless list of honey-dos. Luckily, my superpower is invulnerability to nagging.